The Los Alamitos Trunk Sewer Project continues with final touches on the manhole rehabilitation work on northbound Los Alamitos Blvd. Once this work is completed the construction crew will return for final paving to complete the project. Thank you for your patience as we work to improve Orange County’s infrastructure.
City of Los Alamitos
Northbound Los Alamitos Blvd. from Katella Ave. to Hedwig Rd.
- When: currently ongoing – end of September*
- Occasional Saturday work may be needed
- Work Hours: Weeknights from 8 p.m. – 6 a.m.
- Impacts: Lane closures, increased noise.
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Questions? Construction Hotline 714.378.2965 or
Project fact sheet.
Project Description
OC San is rehabilitating two parallel sewers on north and southbound Seal Beach Blvd./ Los Alamitos Blvd., and along Katella Avenue, Oak Street, and Lexington Drive in the cities of Seal Beach and Los Alamitos. The work consists of removing calcium buildup at various pipe joints and injecting chemical grout to strengthen the pipe. Rehabilitation and/or replacement of over 70 manholes will also take place.